
Dr Milton Erickson was of the view that much of the therapeutic success is dependent on rapport.

Clients seeking help often ask themselves (Howe 1993):

  • Will the therapist accept me?

  • Will the therapist understand me?

  • Will the therapist and I get on?

Bordin (1979) outlines three specific components to a working therapeutic alliance and maintaining rapport.

1. The bond between therapist and client.

  • Does the therapist have empathy and understand the client and their issue?

  • Do they accept the client unconditionally?

  • Is the therapist genuine?

  • Does the therapist display humour?

  • And are they active directive in their style?

2. Does the therapist help the client identify and work on SMART goals for therapy?

  • Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely

3. Does the therapist assign tasks for both the therapist and client?

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