Hypnotherapy Training Courses Singapore-Malaysia-Vietnam
Bullet proof your career... a vocation that is recession proof

Whether you are wishing to invest in a new career, add to your clinical or therapy skills, or simply further your own self-development, the School of Clinical Hypnosis based in Singapore, has partnered with The International College of Clinical Hypnosis Practitioners (ICCHP), London UK, to offer a comprehensive, state of the art, blended learning hypnotherapy training course for you.
With a range of study options to suit you, we provide a flexible approach to learning hypnotherapy. Both class-room based hypnotherapy courses and online distance learning hypnotherapy training (non-practising) options are available.
With our comprehensive & easy-to-follow course, you can complete your hypnotherapy training via our blended-learning framework from home, at your own pace for the theory training; and 120 hours of in classroom practical training + live test patients practice opportunities.
Introduction to Our Classes in Singapore
The School of Clinical Hypnosis (SCH), Singapore, in collaboration with the International College of Clinical Hypnosis Practitioners (ICCHP), United Kingdom, presents the ICCHP Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Training Courses in Singapore. Our hypnosis and hypnotherapy training courses are assessed and validated by the UK General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC), enabling graduates to join the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR) and the Complimentary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) in Great Britain. In addition, the ICCHP programme has met the requirements set by the International Certification Council (ICC) and is accredited by the International Hypnotherapy Register (IHR), which is an internationally recognised hypnotherapy standards body awarding an international qualification. The courses have also been assessed and validated by the National/International Council of Psychotherapists (NCP/ICP) at Diploma level. Diplomas are accredited individually as practitioner training and the NCP’s aim is to maintain and develop professional standards. Our programme in Singapore is facilitated by Aloysius Tay under the direction of Tod Cury, the Programme Director of ICCHP, U.K. Aloysius Tay is a Practicing Psychotherapist, a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist & Counsellor at The Hypnosis Clinic and appointed Senior Regional Tutor of ICCHP Asia. Aloysius holds a post-graduate degree from Australia and Spain. He specialises in stress and anxiety management; relationship management; and confidence building. Prior to his current appointment, he has extensive experience in working in various different industry sectors, ranging from public to private organisations. With a passion to create better versions of individuals, he thus moved from industry- centred work to his current role. Aloysius is also an accredited Clinical Supervisor by the International Council of Psychotherapists, UK (ICP) and an approved Instructor with the renowned International Association of Counselors and Therapists, USA (IACT). Aloysius has been providing counselling & psychotherapy to many individuals facing issues such as anxiety & stress, addiction and self-confidence management. This sparked his motivation to do something more for these people, to make a difference in the lives of others. Hence, he started up training workshops that develop self-management skills. Being an effective trainer for personal development and well-being issues, Aloysius trains in an engaging and non-judgmental manner. He believes that each and everyone has their unique potential to succeed.
Tod Cury has been a practising clinical hypnotherapist based in central London since 2003 and has overall responsibility for the ICCHP programme and its delivery. As a hypnotherapy tutor and lecturer for over 18 years (previously the Clinical Hypnosis MSc programme leader for a collaborative partner college with the University of West London), Tod currently lectures for the ICCHP and the University of London Medical Schools with Thames Medical Lectures. Tod is a member of the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR), the Royal Society of Medicine and the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). In addition, Tod holds a postgraduate certificate in learning & teaching and is a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. Tod is also the UK contributing editor for the Journal of Psychosocial Genomics and a member of the Research Council for Complementary Medicine (RCMC), having published work in the European Journal of Integrative Medicine.

Outline of Professional Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy Courses
Practitioner Certificate in Integrative Evidence - Based Clinical Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy (PCHyp)
This is a 110 hours of experiential training and that means you will experience the power of these interactive processes as both the therapist and the client as you learn and share experiences with the other students in your class. You will also have the benefit of ICCHP Hypnotherapy Certificate eLearning platform to deepen your understanding, hence enabling you to complete the Certificate in Hypnotherapy (CHyp), which constitutes the study component for IACT’s requirement for Certified Hypnotist membership for practice.
Part-time (Weekend)
Sat (9.00am – 6.00pm)
Held on Saturdays & complete within 3 months
Introduction to Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy
Introduction to Hypnotherapy Practice
Behaviour Hypnotherapy Practice
Psycho-dynamic Hypnotherapy Application
Indirect & Conversational (Erickson) Hypnotherapy Practice
Applied Hypno-therapeutics
* Price subjected to change, please see SCH website for any change in pricing
Participants will have to be at least 21 years old, with a functional command of English language.

ICCHP-IACT Certified Hypnosis Certification Training
Intensive Fulltime
An ICCHP-IACT certified Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training is designed for individuals who are in a career transition or are looking for a career change in the immediate future. This fast-track intensive training includes discussion, demonstration and supervised practice sessions in order to learn various hypnotic processes as outlined below. While suggestions are an important aspect of working with hypnosis, effective hypnotherapy is more than just providing suggestions. In this Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training you will learn powerful interactive processes that create powerful change for your clients. This is a 110 hours of experiential training and that means you will experience the power of these interactive processes as both the therapist and the client as you learn and share experiences with the other students in your class. You will also have the benefit of ICCHP Hypnotherapy Certificate eLearning platform to deepen your understanding, hence enabling you to complete the Certificate in Hypnotherapy (CHyp), which constitutes the study component for IACT’s requirement for Certified Hypnotist membership for practice. This is a 110 hours of experiential training and that means you will experience the power of these interactive processes as both the therapist and the client as you learn and share experiences with the other students in your class. You will also have the benefit of ICCHP Hypnotherapy Certificate eLearning platform to deepen your understanding, hence enabling you to complete the Certificate in Hypnotherapy (CHyp), which constitutes the study component for IACT’s requirement for Certified Hypnotist membership for practice.
Create Effective Suggestions
Direct vs Indirect Suggestions
Creating Hypnosis Scripts
Effective Pre‐talk
Suggestibility Testing
Traditional and Advanced Inductions
Trance Depths and Depth Level Tests
Deepening Techniques
Emerging Techniques
How to Teach Self‐Hypnosis
Weight Control
Stress Management
Smoking Cessation
Using Post Hypnotic Suggestions
Advanced Hypnotherapy Techniques
Interactive Processes in Hypnosis
Age Regression
Inner Child Regression
Parts Therapy
Gestalt Therapy
Pain Management and Hypnotic Anaesthesia
Guided Imagery
Control Room Adjustments
Emotional Release & Stress Release
Integration and Self‐assessment
Effective Client Interview Techniques
Working with Groups
Successful Practice Building
Schedule of Professional Hypno-Psychotherapy Courses
Practitioner Certificate in Integrative Evidence - based Clinical Hypnotherapy & Mind Body Health Practice (PCHyp) - Exit Point Qualification
(correct as at 10 December 2023)
Part-time Study
INTAKES: Jan 2024 | Apr 2024 | Aug 2024
201: Introduction to Hypnotherapy Practice – 27 Jan 2024 | 4 May 2024 | 31 Aug 2024
202: Behavioural Hypnotherapy Practice – 17 Feb 2024 | 18 May 2024 | 7 Sept 2024
203: Psycho-dynamic Hypnotherapy Practice – 24 Feb 2024 | 25 May 2024 | 14 Sept 2024
204: Indirect Hypnotherapy Practice – 9 Mar 2024 | 1 Jun 2024 | 28 Sep 2024
205: Applied Hypno-therapeutics – 16 Mar 2024 | 15 Jun 2024 | 12 Oct 2024
Saturdays/ PH* (9am to 6pm)
Venue: 1 Marymount Terrace, #01-02 Boonview.
Singapore 574036
Practitioner Diploma in Integrative Evidence - based Clinical Hypnotherapy & Mind Body Health Practice (PDHyp)
Part-time Study
INTAKES: Dec 2023 | Apr 2024 | Aug 2024
301: Advanced Hypnotherapy Practice – 11 Dec 2023* | 19 Apr 2024* | 23 Aug 2024*
302: Advanced Hypnotherapy Application – 2 Dec 2023^ | 20 Apr 2024^ | 24 Aug 2024^
303: Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy Practice – 5 Jan 2024* | 10 May 2024* | 20 Sep 2024*
304: Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy Appln – 6 Jan 2024^ | 11 May 2024^ | 21 Sept 2024^
305: Integrative Hypnotherapy Practice – 2 Feb 2024% | 14 Jun 2024% | 25 Oct 2024%
306: Evidence-based Therapeutic Hypnosis – 3 Feb 2024# | 15 Jun 2024# | 26 Oct 2024#
*Fridays (7:00pm to 10.00pm)
%Fridays (7:00pm to 10.00pm) Online
^Saturday (9.00am to 6.00pm)
#Saturday (9.00am to 6.00pm) Online
Venue: 1 Marymount Terrace, #01-02 Boonview.
Singapore 574036
SAT 001: Effective Counselling – 9, 16 Dec 2023^SAT 002: Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprogramming (EMDR) – TBA
SAT 003: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) – TBA
SAT 004: Gestalt Therapy – 27, 16 Sept 2023~
SAT 005: Effective Communications – 20#, 28% May, 3#, 11% Jun 22 2023
SAT 006: Psychology – 2, 9, 16, 23 Feb, 2, 9 Mar 2023&
SAT 007: Emotional Freedom Technique – 2 Mar 2024^
1 Marymount Terrace, #01-02 Boonview. Singapore 574036
~Tuesdays (7:00pm to 10.00pm)
&Thursdays (7:00pm to 10.00pm)
*Fridays (7:00pm to 10.00pm)
^Saturday (9.00am to 6.00pm)
#Saturdays (9.30am to 12.30pm)
+Saturdays (1:30pm to 6.00pm)
%Sunday / Public Holiday (9.30am to 12.30pm)
@Online - Zoom
To be awarded the Practitioner Diploma in Integrative Psychotherapy (PDipIntPsych), the candidate must complete all modules, known as Practitioner Award (i.e SAT01 – 07 and SAT 08 (5,000 topical research on areas of psychological therapy and/or mental health. (Note: ICCHP PDHyp Graduates will have advances standing for modules SAT 002 and SAT 003). The Practitioner Awards are accredited with the International Council of Integrative Psychotherapists, UK and offered by the School of Clinical Hypnosis, Singapore.
ICCHP-IACT Certified Hypnosis Certification Training
Inclusive of IACT Certification Assessment, IACT Certified Hypnotist Membership, upon completion of the CHyp requirements
Students in Singapore can now enjoy the same quality of professional hypnosis and hypnotherapy training from the ICCHP, with a range of flexible study options to learn therapeutic hypnosis. Both classroom based hypnotherapy courses and online hypnotherapy learning options are available.
Please contact the Singapore school of Clinical Hypnosis or Contact the ICCHP via email. For further details and to book a place on the course contact by mail or telephone using the numbers below.
A subsidiary of the Centre for Human Services (Singapore) Pte Ltd
1 Marymount Terrace, #01-02 Boonview Singapore 574036
Tel: +65 6492 8697
Visit There Website

Introduction to Our Classes in Malaysia
There is a distinct need for specialist training and experience in the provision of hypnotherapy. The specialist training, both technical and theoretical, which is required to properly and ethically use hypnosis and hypnotherapeutic techniques, is something that falls outside the training of most of the psychology and psychotherapy courses. But, owing to its psychotherapeutic components, especially in the case of hypnopsychotherapists, both training and practice must be adequately represented in any regulation of psychotherapy to ensure adequate scope.
The ICCHP offers classroom based Hypnosis Courses Penang, Malaysia, in Partnership with Phoenix Asia Academy of Technology. As a student hypnotherapist, you will learn a comprehensive range of clinical hypnosis/hypnotherapy skills and techniques, underpinned by an understanding of psychology, psychotherapy and therapeutic hypnosis. You will build and develop your knowledge and skills throughout your learning. You will start by mastering the hypnotic process and then be introduced to a variety of therapeutic processes and their application, leading to understanding and applying hypnotherapy techniques
Available Hypnosis Courses
Phoenix Asia Academy of Technology in collaboration with International College of Clinical Hypnosis Practitioners
The ICCHP provides you with the easiest access to the most comprehensive, modern and dynamic Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy Training Courses in Malaysia. The purpose of this collaboration is to develop academic and educational cooperation on the basis of equality and reciprocity and to promote sustainable partnerships and mutual understanding.
Your training will be conducted by our trainers over eight days. Training sessions will be of both activities and lectures and real-time coaching.
After completing this module, participants will be able to gain an understanding of the science behind clinical hypnosis, learn inductions and deepeners, and utilise self- hypnosis for self- growth.
Campus Detail:
Venue: Phoenix Asia Rebirth Campus
Address: 2&4, Gat Lebuh Chulia Georgetown 10300,Penang
Contact Number: 04-217 0177 / +6019-376 6553
Introduction to our Classes in Hanoi Vietnam